Thursday, February 23, 2006

#29 - Project Runway - Emotional Enema

Good drama offers the audience with a cathartic release of emotions.

That's why we enjoy watching drama so much.

What is a catharsis?

To be blunt... it is an emotional enema... a purging of the emotions.

Wickipedia (of all places!!!) has a pretty good summary if you are seeking a little wisdom today:

What has this got to do with Project Runway this week?


In the hopes of providing viewing audiences a pre-fashion week catharsis, the producers and writers of Project Runway have created a tell all reunion of the designers in which conflicts are addressed.

Little video vignettes are offered throughout the hour to wrap the viewer into an emotional roller coaster of righteousness at Jafar...oopsie... Santino. The fame hungry one is confronted for his blatant disregard for others' feelings.

Heart strings are laughingly and lovingly tugged as we watch the enigma of Andre dancing down the sidewalks of New York. (My favorite bit was the elapsed time clip of his emotional first assignment... almost 10 minutes of tearful expose'... way to go Andre!!)

The running gag of naughty students doing the "Tim Gunn: Make it Work" imitations.

Zulema's "evil twin" Shebangy (sp?) was introduced... yes, well... whatever...

Lots of glossing over.

Lots of manipulation of the audience.


I walked away from this one unsatisfied and feeling very set up.

The producers/writers of Project Runway making "Nice, nice" before they toss us into Fashion Week.

Me thinks they are angling for the audience to accept Jafar.... oopsie...Santino winning this whole shebang.

After editing him into become evil incarnate for the past several weeks... maybe a little "damage control" so that the audience will accept him?

Nah... doesn't work.

I wanted entertainment, and instead... I really felt my gut wrench as I saw the pain in Diane Eng's eyes as the clip ran of Santino insulting her.

Same goes for Daniel Franco and Santino's cutting remarks.

And I felt embarrassed that the directors allowed Guadelupe to get in front of the cameras in the condition she was in.

What a mess.

Reality television is not about reality... it is about public humiliation by the looks of things.

I have said this before, and I will say it again because it is worth repeating here... I want to see Project Runway developed into a fair and square contest... drop the reality junk and actually just focus on the fashion/ design components. I don't need to know about who thinks what about whom.

Here are some updates from the contestants:

Santino has been doing Red Lobster and Kelly & Regis:

Uncle Nick is off to Torino for the Women's Figure Skating. Long Programs are on tomorrow...YIPPEE!!!

If anyone has blogs for other contestants... please, please do leave a link address in the comments here. Thanks!



Here is an EXCELLENT Project Runway Blog:

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