Tuesday, February 07, 2006

#23 - Look! Look! See! See!

I had the best teacher in the world when I was in 6th grade.

He was so wonderful, that I trace my desire to be a teacher directly to this man.

He was kind, he broke up a clique that had spent a few years tormenting me... the skinniest and poorest kid in the class. That was quite a fete.

He thrilled all of us by reading J.R.R. Tolkien and taught us how to write, write, write.

One of his phrases has stuck with me over thirty years later...


He would write this on the board, tell us to open our eyes, and write this on our school papers when we were not paying attention to the intricacies of what we were learning.

Well, today is a LOOK! LOOK! SEE! SEE! day.

Something new in our world to feast our eyes upon.

Take a peek here:


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