Thursday, March 02, 2006

#32 Project Runway Jumps the Shark

I am going to show my age here:

When I was growing up there was a truly popular television show starring Ron Howard and Henry Winkler. It was called Happy Days.

The show ran forever.

And as with any show the plot lines were drying up.

There came an infamous episode in which Fonzy (Winkler) uses his motorcycle to jump over a shark tank.

Sorry to say that I have yet to see that episode.

But, that terrible moment of media has gone down in the annals of entertainment criticism as "jumping the shark".

Last night's Project Runway show jumped the shark.

The episode was so horrible that I felt sorry for Santino.


It was so bad I can't even call him Jafar anymore.


The powers that be decided to throw in one last challenge during fashion week:

design one more outfit.

To make matters even more complicated each finalist had to choose a former Project Runway contestant to assist.

Now... I have had the pleasure (if you can call it that) of working in costuming for stage perofrmances. Not a lot of experience, but enough to know the bedlam that reigns before opening night.

I can tell you that this "stunt" was absolutely cruel.

Cruel to the designers, and cruel to the viewing audience.

I have no feelings about Heidi Klum delivering this pathetic assignment. She would make the designers dance down their own runway in tutus if it guaranteeed ratings....

but, Tim Gunn????


Tim Gunn if the chairperson for the Department of Fashion Design at Parsons school. He has also been a faculty member for 21 years.

He is an EDUCATOR.

I expect him to adhere to a higher standard of ethics. He is a teacher... he knows what emotional turmoil can be created by such a horrendous stunt.

I am deeply disappointed in his participation in such a manipulative ploy for ratings.

Will I watch next week's finale?

Of course.

Will I ever watch Project Runway after this season?

Highly unlikely.

Last night's episode has turned a delightful show into the Jerry Springer of fashion design.

Contestant Updates:

Uncle Nick has been in Torino:

New pics of Santino with his friend and children:
In the Park with Tony & the kids. - Santino Rice

And I am making it official... I am sorry I called Santino Jafar.
There... I've said it.

Daniel Franco has been the victim of really bad editting. He explains the origins of "I love you Heidi" in his blog:

(You may need to be a myspace member to view his blog... so here is a VERY brief summary. The statement was completely taken out of context. When you read his explanation... which makes perfect sense... you may feel incensed by the editting for the reunion show.)

Andre needs to finish his site... nothing new there.

Diane Eng has new scarves for sale and a cute pick from a visit to Red Lobster after the reunnion show:

Popular Transit

Emmett just released a newsletter... just scroll down this blog for a read and a link.

Kara Janx has a jumpsuit for sale on her website:

KARA JANX :: Womens :: Jumpsuit

And that's all I have today for updates.

If you would like to learn more about shark jumping, please visit here:

Jump The Shark - Chronicling the Moments of When TV Shows go Downhill

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was worse than that, Loretta. Fonzie jumped the shark on waterskis. Take my word for it, you don't wanna see that episode.

How you been?