Friday, January 27, 2006

#19 - Project Runaway

Okay, I admit it.

I got a bit bored with making mock-up costumes from the Project Runway show.

I lost interest after the Nicky Hilton assignment.


Dressing a ridiculously rich social x-ray isn't exactly what I would consider a designing challenge.

Missing Emmett. He left with class after being heavily criticized (rather unfairly IMO) for designing an ice skating outfit that showed "too much tootie".


I liked Emmett.

Michael Kors must have too. The latest edition of W features a Nordstrom ad with a Michael Kor's dress that bears more than a passing resemblance to Emmet's "My Scene Barbie" design.


Diane is gone too.


She was cute and I really enjoyed her science fair approach to clothing.

She was way too young and inexperienced for this competition.

Marla is out too now.

I was kind of rooting for her just because we older gals have to stick together.

Unfortunately, this type of competition did not suit her.

You have to really sew and sew extremely well to survive Project Runway.

I don't think that she was ready for that.

And the age factor didn't help.

I could empathize with here, though.

Zulema went out last night.

I did not like her designs and I can sew better than her... which is terrible! She also has really bolloxed things up for young model, Tara... who had been Nick's (a potential finalist) model. She stole his model from him... for goodness sake!

That is just unbelievable. She not only brought herself down, but she dragged down a good model with her.

The Project Runway modeling portion is the pits. The whole arrangement is incredibly unfair to the models. They win by luck of the draw, not by talent.

Here are the contestants blogs to date for those of you who can not get enough on Wednesday nights and the ever running re-runs:

SANTINO (whom I STILL think looks like Jafar):

NICK (Uncle Nick to you diehard fans):

EMMETT (great web page name!!)

KARA JANX (I think you need broadband for this one, because my dial-up will not load the darn thing!...URGH!)

ZULEMA (Another slooooow one in loading):

ANDRAE (Happy picture... no content):


DIANE ENG (I love her button, but couldn't get the PayPal link to work...feh!):

MARLA (There's a link here, but I have yet to get anything to load... is it me, this darn computer or AOL???):

CHLOE (One of my faves...)

RAYMUNDO (posing with a furry monkey puppet thingy):

Credit for all the links must go to the fans at Television without Pity:

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