Okay, I admit it.
I got a bit bored with making mock-up costumes from the Project Runway show.
I lost interest after the Nicky Hilton assignment.
Dressing a ridiculously rich social x-ray isn't exactly what I would consider a designing challenge.
Missing Emmett. He left with class after being heavily criticized (rather unfairly IMO) for designing an ice skating outfit that showed "too much tootie".
I liked Emmett.
Michael Kors must have too. The latest edition of W features a Nordstrom ad with a Michael Kor's dress that bears more than a passing resemblance to Emmet's "My Scene Barbie" design.
Diane is gone too.
She was cute and I really enjoyed her science fair approach to clothing.
She was way too young and inexperienced for this competition.
Marla is out too now.
I was kind of rooting for her just because we older gals have to stick together.
Unfortunately, this type of competition did not suit her.
You have to really sew and sew extremely well to survive Project Runway.
I don't think that she was ready for that.
And the age factor didn't help.
I could empathize with here, though.
Zulema went out last night.
I did not like her designs and I can sew better than her... which is terrible! She also has really bolloxed things up for young model, Tara... who had been Nick's (a potential finalist) model. She stole his model from him... for goodness sake!
That is just unbelievable. She not only brought herself down, but she dragged down a good model with her.
The Project Runway modeling portion is the pits. The whole arrangement is incredibly unfair to the models. They win by luck of the draw, not by talent.
Here are the contestants blogs to date for those of you who can not get enough on Wednesday nights and the ever running re-runs:
SANTINO (whom I STILL think looks like Jafar): http://santinorice.com/2006/01/experiment-lets-talk.html
NICK (Uncle Nick to you diehard fans):
EMMETT (great web page name!!)
KARA JANX (I think you need broadband for this one, because my dial-up will not load the darn thing!...URGH!)
ZULEMA (Another slooooow one in loading):
ANDRAE (Happy picture... no content):
DIANE ENG (I love her button, but couldn't get the PayPal link to work...feh!):
MARLA (There's a link here, but I have yet to get anything to load... is it me, this darn computer or AOL???):
CHLOE (One of my faves...)
RAYMUNDO (posing with a furry monkey puppet thingy):
Credit for all the links must go to the fans at Television without Pity:
Friday, January 27, 2006
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
#18 - Epitaph for a Smart Aleck Blogger (Archive 10/29/04)
#17 - Kugla, Fran & Ollie with Dreams of Mr. Beeper (Archive 10/22/04)
"Assignment: What gone, but not forgotten, TV series do you miss the most?
Extra Credit: If you had to be on a game show or reality show, which one would it be?"
I miss Kugla, Fran, and Ollie.
There were two goofball hand puppets and a chirpy woman...I remember that.
I think the show was aired during those obscure Saturday hours between noon and 4pm... the Dead Zone.
I also remember watching the same kid's movie over and over again. This was the "feature" shown by Kugla, Fran and Ollie. I think the movie was called "Skinny and Fatty" the sad tale of two Asian kids who were the underdogs in the politics of the playground.
They probably triumphed over all. That's the way those kid's movies always ended. You know...who would want to watch Fatty get fatter and Skinny get skinnier?
The real obsession for me were the hand puppets.
I wanted to be a puppeteer when I grew up.
Well... I didn't... but I did teach for about 10 years.
And guess what?
I made up the talking hands that taught my little rug ape students grammar.
I called them Ottilie and Odetta Ottomottopeia. I used silly voices and told tales of Ottilie and Odetta's travels. The third graders loved that and we trudged through the "boring" grammar stuff with loads of giggles.
Long before Mr. Garrison and his schizophrenegenic "Mr. Hand".
We had a local kid's show where I grew up called Rocketship 7.
This one had a guy, a robot and a super cool hand puppet named Mr. Beeper.
I LOVED Mr. Beeper. I wanted THAT job!!
Well, guess what...some 35 years later and I finally got to meet Mr. Beeper's creator! I gave him a big hug... he made me laugh during my childhood... no small fete...but that is a story saved for some long drawn out novel... or not.
Anyway... Mr. Beeper's creator's wife works for my Hubby!
Too cool... talk about synchronicity!
I finally got to meet Mr. Beeper's creator. In the parking lot at a movie theater. I ran up and gave him a great big hug... just like we had been lifelong pals.
That was one of those wonderful moments in life just too cool for words.
I think I would want to be on Jeopardy. But, only if Alex Trebek grows back his mustache. link should hook you up with a VHS "Skinny and Fatty" at least. If you ever find it on DVD, I'd love a copy myself! Comment from dracu12 - 5/9/05 8:35 AM
I remember Kukla, Fran and Ollie!! My favorite one was Cinderella and the Three Nuts.... Wow, thanks for that memory, now I wonder if I can find that story anywhere on VHS or DVD. I really loved that episode. ::Off to search the web for old episodes
This is a show that goes way back. I think it was Kukla, Fran and Ollie. I always thought it would be rather amusing to give these names to a set of triplets (would have to be the right combination of sexes, however). Thank goodness, I was never blessed with such an event!Comment from springsnymph - 10/25/04 12:01 PM
OH Yeah, I used to beg to watch Kugla Fran and Ollie. Our TV did not always get all the stations and sometimes I'd have to scour the neighborhood to find someone willing to tune in this magical show. This show along with Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, and Sherri Lewis and Lamb Chops had a profound influence on me. I AM a puppeteer and storyteller, as well as an educator, and I can trace some of my love for puppeteering back to these magical, wonderful, child centered shows. Another you have brought to mind was Captain Kangaroo and his mischievous character Bunny Rabbit. I was blessed to have met and conversed with both Sheri Lewis and Bob Keeshan (Captain Kangaroo) before they died. Sounds like you were and AWESOME educator! Please feel welcome to pop on over to my journal and read about my favorite TV show recollection .. besides the ones your wonderful entry inspired me to remember. Warmest regards.http://journals.aol.com/madmanadhd/ConfessionsofaMadmanInsightsinto/entries/595Comment from madmanadhd - 10/22/04 6:57 PM
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
#16 - Project Runway - Lingerie oooh lala
The last Project Runway episode was a stinker.
Daniel was tossed out and the evil Santino (which some Message Board pundits are calling Jafar) was allowed to keep competing.
Anyway... none of the designs were appealing.
I opted for the old Hollywood glamour look.
We need more of that.
The dol base was created by http://mapetitepoupee.free.fr/
Daniel was tossed out and the evil Santino (which some Message Board pundits are calling Jafar) was allowed to keep competing.
Anyway... none of the designs were appealing.
I opted for the old Hollywood glamour look.
We need more of that.
The dol base was created by http://mapetitepoupee.free.fr/

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