Monday, January 01, 2007

#52 - And It Only Gets Worse From Here

So Suzanne Vegas had a sellout.

Her music is scoring a pharmaceutical commercial.

I have sated myself with Ginger Snaps, washed down with moo juice chaser.

I am settled back into my chair...

all nice and ready for some more Twilight Zone Marathon and...

It gets worse.

Yes, really bad worse.

Burger King has a new commercial.

And if the guy with the big scary headed costume who claims to be the real "Burger King" is not scary enough...


Oh, now...

Exceuse me while a shudder...

The Burger King has kidnapped the feminism anthem of the 1970's


I Am Woman has been reqorded to I Am Man.

Not just any man, but meat chompin, ashamed to admit tasting quiche, harumphing Wisconsin cheese butt men.

Singing about their manly urges to spit out tofu and eat the Whopper.

All to the tune of I AM WOMAN.

Here's what I have to say to you... you testosterone laden creepy looking Burger King:

I AM WOMAN... Hear me wretch.

Welcome to 2007 folks.

Can it get much worse?

#51 - Suzanne Vega Sellout

Okay, okay...

You get to be my age and you get all jaded and stuff, thinking you have seen (and heard) everything.

That is until a few moments ago.

I am watching television on a quiet New Year's Day... waiting for the next episode of Twilight Zone when I hear the haunting beautiful orchestration of Suzanne Vega...

as the backdrop for a pharmaceutical company advertising blood pressure medicine!



Well, now...

I am so upset I think I am going to blow New Year's Resolution #1 and whip out that unopened package of cookies right now.

Blood pressure medicine indeed!


Pass the milk.